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Phone: 13609025676 Mr.xie      

 18825037179 Miss.Zhu  


Tel: 020-34855631、34855632
Address: Guangzhou Panyu Jinshan Avenue City Road 273

About us    

      FOCCID (Guangzhou) CNC Technology Co.,Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as FOCCID Company) has 46 years of manufacturing history with the Germanmanufacturer of professional digital equipment FASTI company specializing in the production of high precision CNC bending machine, CNC sheet metal shears,etc.gold processing equipment,advanced technology from Germany FASTI design; number of national patents,completely

independent intellectual property rights.
FASTI company has high precision and advanced production equipment:high-precision five-axis CNC machining
centers,high-precision CNC Floor Boring and milling machine,three-dimensional high-precision grinding machines, high precision CNC milling machine, all kinds of machine tools and auxiliary equipment and a series of nearly one hundred; At the same time with a complete high-precision testing equipment.

FOCCID company is located in Panyu District of Guangzhou City,Jinshan Road,covers an area of square meters,beautiful environment, adjacent to the Guangzhou University City, Guangzhou Nansha Development Zone and Guangzhou High-tech South Station,and convenient transportation,close to Beijin-Zhuhai Expressway(G4),Nansha Port Express,South China Expressway and other six highways.

"Technology innovation,excellent quality" is our tenet,"service-oriented,keep improving"is the belief that "higt quality products, so the industry pioneer" is the goal.

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